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Найтгоун Петра II или "предки не дураки были"

Добавлено: 01 апр 2009, 12:46
Вот такая забавная императорская вещ, вобравшая в себя азиатскую мысль и западноевропейскую технологию. Принадлежала Петру II. Россия, 1727–1730 гг. Серебряная и золотая французская парча.
Nightgown with silver thread buttons worn by Peter II
Museum no.TK-2590
© The Moscow Kremlin Museums

Buttons embroidered with metal thread are often seen on men’s dress in the 18th century. This style of gown worn in place of the formal coat in private, and on informal occasions from the wardrobe of Peter II (1715-1730), was known as a nightgown in the 18th century. It fastens with buttons made of silver thread and strips of silver woven over a core of wood. These complement the silver braid and fringe decorating the gown.

Рассмотреть в деталях: http://www.vam.ac.uk/collections/fashio ... nightgown/